Tuesday, March 3, 2009

i am still an awesome me

this is me at my sisters school it was hecka boring but the meatballs were yummy
this is me at a primary activity this little girl is so fun and of corse she loves my awesome me

this is me with my sisters at our friend alex theobalds mission farewell my mom wanted pictures and we were being punks
this is me with some of my cousins after we saw bedtime stories then my family had to drive home i fell asleep
this is me at the 5th grade lunch i dressed up as santa because i am so awsome
this is me and my dad at the church nativity thingy i was the inn keepers son who took the pretend mary and josef to the stable
this is me with my sisters and my moms weird matching scarfs like i'm 3
this is me at my trombone christmas concert yes i am awesome and i love playing
this is my family when my uncle stephen came to town for 1 night i was hecka cold and was wearing my moms jacket